Monday, July 23, 2007

Summer in the city


Summer is the time when everyone who can, leaves the city. But we make a point of staying home and splitting our time between the City and the Berkshires. On Saturday, we went to see Grey Gardens. The streets around Times Square were packed with excited crowds - most were probably tourists but there was still a palpable excitement in the area. There’s nowhere in the world like Times Square with the lights and the theaters and the visitors. On a warm summer night it was great to be alive and walking in NY. We were like two kids staring at everything. It was exciting and fun.

We started the day in a nearby pocket-park where we sat beside a waterfall with our morning coffee reading the newspaper. It was too nice a day to go back home so we headed towards Central Park, (Chris had gone there the previous night with neighbors on a “Bat Walk” - don’t ask)! Today, we ended up at the Boathouse CafĂ© bar for a late lunch. This is such a great place. You can sit by the edge of the water watching the baby ducks and laughing at the people trying to row (Paul could laugh because Chris recently decided not to buy a boat just yet),. We come to the Cafe quite often; and frequently are the only locals. Sometimes the tourists do know the best places!

Summer in New York City really is wonderful. The crowds thin out, the traffic lessens and you can usually find a spot at those restaurants that are hard to get into during the rest of the year. This summer we’ve made a point of taking advantage of all being here. From theatre to cabaret and new restaurants; we just keep discovering new places. The weather’s been great, we’ve found new benches to linger on and walked miles to be able to indulge in the occasional ice cream!

Enjoy the rest of this season.

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