Friday, September 26, 2008

Postcards from Florence

Here in Florence there's about as many gelotto shops as there are Korean Nail salons in NYC. Every block has at least one or two and while most of you wouldn't think that to be a problem, consider the size of your hips after three weeks of indulgence. Resistance is NOT my middle name so just imagine what it's like for me seeing beautifully displayed heaps of colourful, mouthwatering confection. And the flavours--from regular chocolate vanilla and pastashio, to tiramisu, ambrosia fantasy, or how about chocolate with pepper, AND that doesn't even begin to describe how they're served! It's been tough, but in my first week I've managed only two visits and one didn't really count because I called it 'lunch'!

The fact is, guide books and regulars give testamony to their 'favourites', each claiming theirs to be the best. My thought is, that the only way to resolve this is to conduct a test beginning immediately and keep you all posted about the results! By the way, it's a fact that geloto, has FEWER calories and a lower fat content then ice cream--what a blessing that is!
Stay tuned,
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